Amazing Social Media Facts, Statistics and Figures for 2013


Social media has been the talk of the town in the last 3 years but the first quarter of 2013 has passed and we are seeing varied trends in choices of people this year.

Facebook and Twitter have become necessities for all to connect whether it is for entertainment or to be abreast about what’s happening around the world. Technology is driving us today to be connected with all 24×7.

Any topic we want knowledge on today is just a Google away and we want to make a presence for ourselves or our work on YouTube just works right for all of us. Pinterest and Instagram are new kids on the block that are making waves in 2013.

The two key factors driving the social media in 2013 as per the Global Web Index study are:

Mobile Phones: Mobile users accessing the Internet have increased to a whopping 818.4 million i.e. a growth of 60.3% in just the last two years. These figures are shocking and reveal the need of the world to stay connected at all times.

Older Users Adoption: The demographics of the study reveal that on Twitter the age group 55-64 has had a registered growth of 79% from 2012. Similarly the age group of 45-54 has the highest turnaround of 46% and 56% respectively.

These are clear indicators that social media is a hook-up for all young and old alike and the way our elders have embraced it is amazing and personally gives me a sense of satisfaction that social media are designed for all to use and reap maximum benefits from the same irrespective of the age. It, therefore, becomes imperative for us to analyze some facts and figures of the main social media networks used around the world.

1. Facebook:

The growth of Facebook still does not see a full stop and this social media earns its majority share from its mobile users and ads. The following figures are eye openers for 2013

a. Daily active users – 665 million

b. Monthly active users – 1.1 billion

c. Monthly mobile users – 751 million

d. Mobile only Active users – 189 million

e. Mobile app generates 30% of ad revenue which has grown by 7% since Dec.2012

2. Twitter

The Global Web Index Study has named Twitter as the Twitter fastest growing social network in the world by active users. The details being:

a. growth in the last 9 months

b. Monthly active users-288 million which means that 21% of the world’s internet population are using Twitter every month

c. Registered accounts-500 million+

d. Twitter’s fastest growing age group 55-64, with a growth of 79% in total active users

3. YouTube

The video world has fast moved in the last 3 decades from VCR to DVD Player to cable networks and now YouTube

YouTube’s own blog discloses:

Monthly visitors-1 billion

a. 6 billion hours of videos are watched every month

b. 50% more hours of video are watched in March 2013 compared to last August 2012 at 4 billion hours and May 2012 at 3 billion.

c. YouTube reaches more U.S. adults in the age group 18-34 than any cable network 4. Google+

4. Google+

Google+ continues to remain the second largest social network and Google’s social layer that enhances it’s other online assets.

As per the Global Web Index Google+ has:

a. Monthly active users -359 million

b. Its active users base grew by 33% from June 2012 to March 2013

5. LinkedIn

This professional platform has grown and is growing at a great pace but no where close to Google+ or Twitter

a. Over 200 million users

b. 2 new users join it every second

c. 64% of users are outside the USA

Hope these eye opening statistics have been useful for all of you and the trends keep growing for all of 2013 as well for some greater facts next year.

Source: Research

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