Top Tips on How to create your own YouTube channel


Over a billion people use YouTube, and the number of YouTubers are growing day by day.

Uploading videos and earning money from the uploaded videos has become fairly common for people with skill and knowledge.

YouTube has opened up a lot of business opportunities for people. However, to be found on YouTube, and to upload videos; one needs a YouTube a channel.

In this post, we will explain you steps on how to create a YouTube channel.

Before getting into the proces of creating your own YouTube channel, you should ask yourself 3 basic yet important questions:

Q1. Why YouTube?

Q2. What will be the topic / subject of your YouTube channel?

Q3. What will be the name of your YouTube channel?

There are many more questions you can ask yourself, but even if you'll ask these 3 basic questions, you are good to go.

PRO TIP: Don't rush onto things, take your time, do proper research before jumping into it, and you will reach there safe and sound.

To create your own YouTube channel, you would need a Google account. It's free and easy to setup.

Once you have created your Google account, follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Sign in with your Google account
3. Once you are signed in, on the extreme top right (next to the bell icon), you'll see your profile picture - click on that. A small box will open up, next to the creater studio button, there will be a settings wheel - click on that. You'll be taken to the settings page, and right at the bottom of the page, you will find "Create a new channel" - click on that

Now if you find the above step complicated then, try this alternative:

3. On the extreme top left, before the YouTube logo, there's a menu icon. Once you will click on the menu icon, you'll see a drop down - there'll be an option - My Channel (Click on that).

In both the above mentioned sceanrios (#3), after clicking on My Channel or Create Your Channel, you will get a prompt - "Use YouTube as...".

4. Now, you can either enter your First Name, Last Name OR in the same box, you'll find a link - "Use a business name or other name" - clicking on this will prompt you to enter your desired name. In any event, this will be your YouTube channel name.

5. Enter your channel name and click done

Once you click done, you'll get a message - "Congratulations! You’ve just created a new YouTube channel".

PRO TIP: A new Google+ page will also be created for your brand.

Now you are all set to upload your first YouTube video. All the best!

In our upcoming blogs, we will be covering How to customize your YouTube channel art, YouTube SEO Tips and Guide and How to monetize your YouTube channel.

Source: Self

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