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VAT Calculator

Use our Value Added Tax (VAT) calculator to quickly and accurately determine VAT amounts for your business. Whether you need to add VAT to a price, calculate the VAT-inclusive amount, or reverse VAT to find the net price, our tool makes the process simple. Just enter your amount, select the VAT rate, and get instant results.

VAT Calculation Results

Amount (excl. VAT): £0.00
VAT (20%): £0.00
Total (incl. VAT): £0.00

What is Value Added Tax (VAT)?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax that is applied to goods and services at each stage of production or distribution. It is levied by the government and is typically added to the sale price of goods or services. In many countries, businesses are required to charge VAT on their sales and can claim back VAT paid on their purchases, making it an integral part of business accounting.

How does the VAT Calculator work?

Our VAT calculator has been designed with user convenience in mind, providing quick and accurate results. Here's how it works:

Add VAT: You can input the net price (the price before VAT) and the VAT rate to calculate the gross price (the price with VAT included). This is especially useful for businesses that need to add VAT to their products or services for customers.

Remove VAT: Alternatively, you can input the gross price (the price with VAT included) and the VAT rate to calculate the net price (the price before VAT). This option is beneficial for individuals or businesses wanting to determine the pre-tax value of a product or service.

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