Find Out How Much You Can Borrow

Understanding your borrowing potential is crucial if you are looking to secure a mortgage. Whether you're looking to purchase your dream home or simply need a clear picture of your finances, our easy-to-use mortgage calculator can help you make an informed decision. Use our contractor mortgage calculator to calculate how much you can borrow - instant results!.

Simply adjust the slider to see how much you might be eligible to borrow. This can be a helpful first step in planning your financial future or assessing the affordability of a home purchase.

£100 £2000
You Can Borrow: £1,134,000

How Much Can You Borrow as a Contractor?

Most contractor mortgage brokers use a standard formula to calculate how much a client can borrow:

Day Rate x 46 weeks per year x 5 days per week x 4.7x

This formula provides an estimate of how much lenders are likely to offer you based on your contractor income.

If you would like an accurate and personalised estimate of how much you can borrow, simply fill in your details on the form below, and our specialist contractor mortgage advisor will be in touch with you.

Contractor Mortgage Enquiry Form

Full Name *
Email *
Phone Number *

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