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Dividend Voucher Templates and Board Meeting Minutes

Dividend Voucher Template

We have prepared a standard Board meeting minutes document and a Dividend voucher template for Limited Companies that have decided to distribute their retained profits in the form of dividends to its stakeholders.

Our templates are free to download and use. You can download it in Word format as well as in the PDF format.

You must know that, if your Limited Company has retained any profit and decided to distribute that profit in the form of dividends to its stakeholders then as per the law, the Limited Company Director is required to declare this in the Board meeting minutes. The Director must sign the Board meeting minutes document and keep a record of it.

Similarly, when a company distributes dividends, along with Board meeting minutes document, the Limited Company is also required to produce a Dividend voucher (a counterfoil/receipt) which must have the Dividend recipient's name and the Dividend amount on it. The Company is also required to maintain a record of all the Dividend vouchers. This is not a difficult task since the Dividend vouchers are produced in the digital form.

Download Board Meeting Minutes Template for Free (updated on 27/07/2023)

Board Meeting Minutes Template 1 in Word

Board Meeting Minutes Template 1 in PDF

Download Dividend Voucher Template for Free (updated on 27/07/2023)

Divivdend Voucher Template 1 in Word

Divivdend Voucher Template 1 in PDF

If you need help with dividend tax calculation then please feel free to use our Dividend Tax Calculator for free.

Please Note: We are working tirelessly to build free resources like these to help the community. So, if you like, you can contribute and support us so that we can build even more free tools.

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If you are unsure and need professional help then, please feel free to drop us a line on [email protected] with your requirements and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can.

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